About Us



Its such a great thing you are visiting our site. We are here to furnish you with all educational resources as you have in your classrooms- School notes, Teaching Videos, and Class Assignments.

Take your time to explore this site and you’ll also come across other side attractions too…Short stories and histories, a little bookshop to acquire some of your educational tools.

It’s sweet enough if you can start right away and navigate through and through.

Catch fun, Learning is fun with knowledgemerchant.fun


If you are a first time user, you will do well to follow the steps below to login to this site:

From your browser, either Google chrome/Firefox or Opera, type in the address -knowledgemerchant.fun

Once your are taken to the site from your browser:

step 1 : Click on the “Menu” button

step 2: Click on Register (this takes you to a registration page)

step 3: Fill in your required details into the appropriate registration boxes.

You may opt to use the suggested password or create your own password. Whatever, you chose, make sure you write down your password for keeps.

You will need it always.

(The above process makes the system to send an activation link into the email address you signed up with, that is, the email address you entered into the registration box.)

step 4: Open your e-mail box.

You should get a mail from “EasyWP”Knowledgemerchant…”.

Open the mail and click on the red-colored link in the message sent to you. (This will take you back to the Knowledgemerchant site and alert you of successful activation of your account)

step 5: Proceed to Log in, using the Login Button on the knowledge merchant site.

This ushers you into the classwork page, where students can proceed to their individual classes to view their subjects. use the “click here” button on the class icons.

If you try step 5, and you do not get to the classwork page, then, Log out and Log in again. you will be on the classwork page.

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